Feedback and Complaints Policy

Effective date: 8 July 2024


Whole Warrior Network and

Whole Warrior Solutions


1. Feedback and Complaints


Welcome to and (the "Website") owned by the entity Whole Warrior Solutions. Whole Warrior Network is a brand owned by Whole Warrior Solutions. Whole Warrior Solutions is committed to providing high-quality services to all our clients, including startups, sole traders, small business owners, NDIS™️ participants, aged care clients. We endeavour to send out regular feedback surveys to gauge how we are going. We value your feedback and take complaints seriously as part of our commitment to continuous improvement.


2. Providing Feedback

If you wish to provide feedback about our services, you can do so in the following ways:

3. Making a Complaint

If you have a complaint about our services, please follow the steps below to ensure your concerns are addressed in a timely manner:

- Step 1: Contact your service provider directly to discuss your concerns and attempt to resolve the issue informally.

- Step 2: If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can lodge a formal complaint by:
- Emailing us at [email protected] 
- Calling our complaints officer at 1800 431 506
- Submitting a complaint through our website on the Contact Us page.

4. Complaint Handling Process
Upon receiving a formal complaint, we will:
- Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 business days.
- Investigate the complaint and gather all relevant information.
- Provide a response and resolution within 10 business days of receiving the complaint.
- If more time is required, we will keep you informed of the progress and expected resolution timeframe.

5. Contacting Professional Bodies
If your complaint concerns a therapist or service provider who is a member of a professional body, you may also contact the relevant organisation for the practitioner:
- Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA): 
- Other relevant professional body that your therapist or practitioner is a member of eg Australian Counselling Association, PACFA, AASW or other.

6. External Review for NDIS Participants
If you are an NDIS participant and are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can seek an external review by contacting the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission:
- Website:
- Phone: 1800 035 544

7. Referral for independent mediation 

We strive to resolve all complaints in a fair, transparent, and timely manner, and we appreciate your feedback as it helps us to improve our services. If an agreement is not arrived at in a reasonable timeframe we reserve the right to refer the matter for independent mediation. In cases of non-payment and breach of verbal and or written contract, this will be at the buyer's expense. 

8. Legal Action for Unpaid Monies

We understand that financial difficulties can arise. If you are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to pay for services or products, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss your situation. Whilst we are small business, in select cases we may negotiate repayment plans in select cases where reasonable. However, failure to communicate, negotiate and commit to a fair and reasonable agreement may result in legal action to recover monies not paid for services and products rendered in good faith via verbal or written contract. Non-payment or harassment may also result in a ban from all services and products including Whole Warrior Network groups and community services.

9. We Say No to Abuse

See our Terms of Use policy. We say no to use of intimidation, harassment, stalking, violence, property damage or other abuse. Clients who engage in threatening or abusive behaviour will referred to authorities and be encouraged to connect with organisations such as Lifeline or Men's Line for support regulating emotions. 

10. Mandatory Reporting Whole Warrior Solutions and its staff and contractors are mandatory reporters in various states of Australia. This means that if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child or vulnerable individual, including NDIS participants and aged care clients, are at risk of significant harm, we are legally required to report this to the NSW Department of Communities and Justice or other relevant state body. We are committed to complying with all mandatory reporting obligations to ensure the safety and well-being of children and vulnerable individuals. In the first instance, we may offer least intrusive support, collaborative case management, and referrals so that safety may be increased. In event of emergency we would refer to 000 and contact the next of kin and or NDIS support coordinator. Safety is paramount particularly in cases of suicide risk, domestic violence and or sexual abuse.

Overall, we strive to resolve all complaints in a fair, transparent, and timely manner, and we appreciate your feedback as it helps us to improve our services.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Policy, please contact us: